Thursday, September 9, 2010

Rain rain go away.....but let the rainbows stay! - Emmett, Idaho Photographer

I was sitting on the living room couch working on a Sudoku game when a bright light caught my eye. It wasn't a flash of light, it was a constant bright light and it was bugging me. So I take a look out the window and my eyes about bulged out of my head.

I run downstairs, grab the camera, slip on my shoes the best I could not caring that they weren't completely on but enough so my socks and feet don't get wet from the rain soaked cement, and start photographing.

OH MY GOODNESS.....the most brightest and gorgeous rainbow! Then I see the second rainbow above the bright one. A double rainbow!! And it's right above my house!!!!

(I absolutely love how the above shot tricks the eye to believe that the colors of the rainbow are dripping as it keeps raining)

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