Saturday, March 27, 2010

Spring is here!!! - { Idaho Photographer }

Helllooooo Spring!! Flowers are blooming up everywhere. I absolutely love it! Had to go to the store today and when I walked out to the car I noticed that there are blooms everywhere in my yard. Now, I'm not a gardner and will never proclaim to be. Actually I'm the quite opposite...seriously, when I say that I have a black thumb I mean it. I actually have managed to even kill silk plants; that's how much of a black thumb that I have. Anyways, back to the subject. When I came back from my errands the sun was casting some bad shadows over the blooms so I didn't try to capture them yet. Waiting and waiting a few hours and finally the shadows are gone, so I grabbed my mat and laid them down in the grass and dirt and I shot away.

Like I wrote before, I am definitely no gardner so my floral name knowledge is minimal. I'm hoping that someone can tell me what these beautiful flowers are.

I'm guessing these are tulips? (yep...these are definitely tulips)

I'm guessing this is a dandelion? (nope, not a dandelion...a daffodil - well I was close, it started with a "d" LOL)

I have absolutely no idea what these maroon flowers are. They don't seem to bloom too much; but who knows, I probably caught them at an early stage. (I was right, I caught them at an early stage. These are in the beginning stages of peonies)

I'm kind of partial to this flower because it is my absolute favorite color...PURPLE! I thought it was a tulip but was told that it's a spring crocus. Okie dokie....I don't care what it's called, I like it!

This is the last of the flowers blooming in my front yard. What the heck are these weird blueish purplish cone things? LOL I've never seen these before, they are very interesting and they are growing all over my yard. (found out these are called Grape Hyacinth...they are so pretty!)

Welcome back Spring!!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Bring on the hail! - {Emmett, Idaho Photographer}

It was such a nice day til a few clouds decided to come in and ruin it. These clouds not only brought in the colder air, but it also brought in hail for a few minutes.

Hail friggen hurts!!! They looked small enough to not hurt so I grabbed my camera and went outside to capture the hail hitting my back porch. OUCH!!!! I was getting impailed...I can only imagine what they'd feel like if they were bigger. I should have known better seeing that they were literally bouncing back up once they hit the porch. True to Barbara style, I gotta learn the hard way. LOL  So I cowardly went back inside and laid down on my kitchen floor and decided to catch the hail in the comfort of my home where I wouldn't be pounded to death.

The hail only lasted a couple of minutes, then the clouds separated and it was back to the beautiful day that had started. Crazy weather here in Emmett in March. LOVE IT!!!!

Monday, March 22, 2010

My dog Micky - {Emmett, Idaho Photographer}

Forgive me...these were shot a couple days ago and I'm just now getting around to uploading them.

My dog Micky. What can I say about him? He's such a lovable and kind and high spirited dog. Just like most dogs, he LOVES the car rides, the dog treats and bones, and of course loves when company comes over.

Micky is just fun to watch. Most days he is more entertaining to watch than TV. I swear that he's memorized commercials. Seriously! He will attack any commercial that has an animal in it, not just dogs but ANY animal. He goes nuts during the Mucinex commercials...ya of all commercials he doesn't like the green boogers LOL. He growls like crazy during the ADT commercials, I guess he thinks that the bad guys are going to jump through the TV and attack us. I have never seen a dog stretch as much as he does. And it's not just a quick stretch, he reaches out so far and stretches so big and long. Sometimes he'll stretch just like the yoga pose "downward dog" and then just plop his butt down. Too funny. He attacks my slippers all the time (well, they are doggie slippers so I guess I'll give him that one...but it's still entertaining). Watching him play with his bones are just as funny to watch too. No matter how big or small or chewed down his rawhide bones are, he'll fling them everywhere. So you gotta watch out when he's in his playful mood because you just might end up with a rawhide being thrown in your face.

I was sitting outside one day on my back porch just shooting away at the birds enjoying their fresh bird seed that I put out for them when Micky decided to join me. I was surprised that he didn't try to go play with the birds; as he usually does, but this time he just wanted to sit with me and enjoy a nice crisp day.

After a bit I decided to take a drive around town to find more hot spots for my photography. WOW...I LOVE this town!! So many beautiful, old, rustic places....can't wait for spring to get here and start shooting my clients at these locations!!! Of course I had to take Micky with me while out on the town. But here's the story...he is afraid of the lens glare. I tried to turn and get a few shots in of him sticking his head out the window but he'd jump back in as soon as he saw the lens glare. I was just about to give up shooting him while enjoying his car ride when I saw it! I was shooting something that was coming up to my path when I saw Micky pop his head out in the side passenger mirror. I took aim at the mirror and he snuck back in. Grrrrrr. I give up, put the sunglasses back on and just watch where the places were that I was being led to. I decided to try once more with Micky but this time using the live mode on my camera and he didn't know any better. Going against all the rules of photography, I took aim at the outside passenger mirror (which was extremely dirty), and tried to focus through my sunglasses and the sun glaring and caught it! It's a dirty and unfocused shot, but I love it!