Thursday, September 9, 2010

Today was a first for me - Emmett, Idaho Senior Photographer

Today was a first for me in my photography business. I've been photographing High School Seniors for quite some time now and I've shot them with lots of "props". From the class ring to their car to climbing a silo to the railroad tracks, but today was a first for me shooting a senior with her horse.

I was nervous at first. At least I admit it! I'm not nervous around horses, as a matter of fact I really love them. I always wanted one {{insert here in a whiny voice "Daddy, I want a pony for Christmas."}}. I was just nervous because I've never photographed a horse up close and I personally don't have experience with a horse and know their behaviors. I went into the shoot with a plan, but Ria (Chyenne's horse) had plans of her own. She didn't want to cooperate right from the start. She wasn't bucking or anything like that, she just didn't want to be photographed showing her beautiful mane and then she didn't want to go into the water. I think it was more of that the rocks probably wasn't the best stability for her than the water being chilly; but what do I know?

I was able to capture some beautiful shots with Chyenne and Ria and will share those much later when Chyenne has her other sessions that'll take place next month. But I just had to share with you this great shot of Ria giving Chyenne a hug........

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