Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Spaces are filling up quick for my 2010 Holiday Mini Sessions - {Emmett, ID Holiday and Christmas Card Photographer}

With this heat wave we are having it sure doesn't seem like it should be fall, let alone start thinking ahead to Christmas. I do assure you that it is in fact fall and almost October already and that the Holidays are coming just around the corner. There are only 57 more days til Thanksgiving, 63 more days til Hanukkah, and 87 more days til Christmas. It may seem like alot of days and time, but time sure does seem to go fast these days.

My 2010 Holiday Mini Session were announced a few weeks ago and are booking up quick. Below I reposted the information and now you can see the days and times that are still open. I would suggest booking immediately before they are all booked and this awesome special goes away for another year. (click on image below to enlarge)

What are Holiday Mini Sessions? Holiday Mini Sessions are a client favorite because each collection is offered at a great discount and are ONLY available during the days and times specified. Mini sessions are short 25 minute sessions designed to capture a few fabulous images for your holiday cards & gifts. They do not include slideshow and one-on-one image proof presentation. All sessions are by appointment only, are limited to certain days and times, and book call immediately! (For faq's, click here and scroll to the bottom of the post).

The 2010 Holiday Card designs have been released....check them out here

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