Friday, March 26, 2010

Bring on the hail! - {Emmett, Idaho Photographer}

It was such a nice day til a few clouds decided to come in and ruin it. These clouds not only brought in the colder air, but it also brought in hail for a few minutes.

Hail friggen hurts!!! They looked small enough to not hurt so I grabbed my camera and went outside to capture the hail hitting my back porch. OUCH!!!! I was getting impailed...I can only imagine what they'd feel like if they were bigger. I should have known better seeing that they were literally bouncing back up once they hit the porch. True to Barbara style, I gotta learn the hard way. LOL  So I cowardly went back inside and laid down on my kitchen floor and decided to catch the hail in the comfort of my home where I wouldn't be pounded to death.

The hail only lasted a couple of minutes, then the clouds separated and it was back to the beautiful day that had started. Crazy weather here in Emmett in March. LOVE IT!!!!